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Self-Injury (Cutting, Self-Harm Or Self-Mutilation)

Self-Injury (Cutting, Self-Harm, Or Self-Mutilation) is more common than we think.  Not just when we watch horror or gore films, but unfortunately in real life too.

NSSI (Non-suicidal Self-Injury) is most common among young adults and teenagers. The onset typically occurs around from ages of 13 to 15.

In both teenagers and adults, rates of NSSI are highest among psychiatric populations, especially individuals who report emotional features associated with distress, such as negative emotionality, depression, anxiety, and emotion dysregulation. Self-injury is especially common in people prone to self-directed negative emotions and self-criticism.

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General population studies find equivalent rates between men and women despite perceiving it as being more common in women.17,19,20 However, there is a sex difference regarding the methods of self-injury used; specifically, women are more likely to use cutting, whereas men are more likely to use burning or heating.18 Finally, two other sociodemographic trends have been repeatedly noted.  Self-injury appears to be more common among people who report homosexual and bisexual populations.

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